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[ID] => 4818
[post_author] => 2
[post_date] => 2025-02-04 20:43:52
[post_date_gmt] => 2025-02-04 20:43:52
[post_content] => Red Hat's OpenShift platform is a Kubernetes solution that has been gaining popularity in recent years, thanks in part to the rising popularity of containerization, be it for micro-services, cloud-native appliances, or simply for ease of CI/CD integrations and portability. Beyond such benefits, many companies and now looking into containerization as a possible alternative following recent licensing changes to VMware's suite of products following its Broadcom acquisition. Moving from one abstraction platform to another is a harrowing prospect, particularly with the maturity of virtualization as a technology. I remain something of a holdout against going all in on containerization, but nevertheless, more and more of my services are being moved to containerization over time. While I still use virtualization for application development (VMware Workstation on my Linux-based daily driver machine and Parallels on my Mac laptop), reasons to not use containerization are dwindling as the containerization space matures. OpenShift, in particular, offers a management interface that should feel right at home to vCenter administration veterans, and interaction with the containers it runs have been very smooth from my experience as well. And so, I would like to take some time to offer a high-level overview of how to try OpenShift using environments that you may be familiar with already. OpenShift is at its core a Kubernetes platform to assist in the deployment and management of containers. Some of the features include CI/CD pipelines, easier to understand security assignments, and the aforementioned management interface in the form of a web-based console. Of course, if you are already familiar with management via command line tools, the oc command with open shift will feel quite similar to the k8s or k3s commands you may already be used to. Operating systems that are officially certified for containerization with OpenShift and continually changing. At present, RHEL, SUSE, Ubuntu and Windows systems are supported, but I suggest looking into this listing in case this post becomes out of date. At the time of writing, this list can be found
here. For the sake of brevity, I will
assume an environment in which OpenShift is already installed and proceed to the steps required to migrate your existing VMware virtual machines. If you've already decided to use OpenShift beyond a testing capacity don't forget to also configure storage, networking and Identity Access Management. Before attempting to import existing machine, you will need to open the OpenShift console and install the "Migration Toolkit for Virtualization Operator" found through the administration role under [Operators -> OperatorHub]. Once installed, an additional menu will appear as [Migration]. Once this is done, proceed to [Migration -> Providers for Virtualization]. There will already be something here for the host cluster you are running, but you will need to add your vCenter appliance to this configuration. Start by clicked "Create Provider" on the upper right. Multiple options will appear here, but the one needed for this sort of migration is vSphere. Fill out the following screen, paying attention to the note for the URL field. For instance, if your vCenter appliance is hosted at “https://vcenter.mycorporation.local”, you will want to provide “https://vcenter.mycorporation.local/sdk” as the response. Next is the VDDK image. This is not required but can significantly increase speed of transfers if used. The VDDK, or Virtual Disk Development Kit, can be downloaded from the
Broadcom developer site. Beyond this, a vSphere REST API username (with an FQDN, e.g. "
[email protected]") and password needs to be provided. Lastly, the SHA-1 fingerprint for your vCenter application can be added here. This is a suggested step but may be skipped with the "skip certificate validation" option. You should get the SHA-1 fingerprint from the certificate with the command openssl x509 -in <cert file location> -noout -fingerprint -sha1 You can also find the fingerprint in the certificate information of your web browser when visiting your vCenter appliance, though this is less recommended than using your cert file as a source of truth. Once complete, OpenShift will immediately start populating the inventory from vCenter. When this is finished (it will likely be instant), proceed to [Migration -> Plans for virtualization]. Click "Create plan" and give the new plan a name of your choosing. Select your newly created provider as your source provider, and the already included provider (named "host" by default) as the target provider. Select a namespace ("imported-vms" is suggested). Proceed to the VM selection step. Select your cluster and your VMs for transfer here. The next step involves selecting a network mapping. If you have not set this up already and if you are already using the VMware data network, you can simply select the pod network as the target namespace. For storage on the next step, select the default storage class. After this, you can select the type of migration you wish to use. A cold migration is the most straightforward and involves shutting down your VMs fully to transfer them. However, a "warm" migration option also exists if downtime is not possible. This will transfer your currently running machines and post incremental updates (similar to snapshot deltas) until it's time to cut over. Once done, click Finish, and you will be returned to the [Plans for virtualization] menu with your newly assembled plan. Click the "Start" button for your plan to begin the transfer. The following page will give you the status of your initiated transfer, including allocation, the copy itself, and the conversion step from VMDK to KubeVirt. Depending on the size of your VMs and your network speed, this may take several minutes to complete. Your migrated systems now can be found under [Virtualization -> Virtual Machines]. Once started, you can proceed into details for any of your VMs by clicking there name. From here, you can see the status of your machine, including a VNC console to interact with it. Migrating from VMware infrastructure to containerized virtualization can feel daunting on its surface. Thankfully, the landscape for containerized infrastructure has significantly matured to make this a process that can reasonably be set up to run in less than a half hour; minutes even, if you're experienced with the process. Hopefully this high-level guide can provide useful on your own discovery into the applications of containerized infrastructure. [table id=11 /]
[post_title] => Step-by-Step Guide to Migrating from VMware to Red Hat OpenShift
[post_excerpt] =>
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[post_name] => migrating-from-vmware-to-red-hat-openshift
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[post_modified] => 2025-02-06 17:11:37
[post_modified_gmt] => 2025-02-06 17:11:37
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[ID] => 4798
[post_author] => 21
[post_date] => 2025-01-13 20:27:00
[post_date_gmt] => 2025-01-13 20:27:00
[post_content] => Imagine wanting to make your company a sustainable organism that your employees and clients could be proud of. Wherever you are in sustainability criteria, the first step is to evaluate your current state. Next, you will want to identify the various (innumerable ever evolving) ways you could make your organization sustainable. At the same time, you also want to identify all the stakeholders that will have to implement these solutions simultaneously on the road to becoming sustainable. Similarly, now imagine you want your organization to collaborate in identifying infrastructure needs across various departments so that resources (both IT resources and human resources) can be optimally utilized. Increasing operational efficiency directly translates to increased revenues and reduced costs. In an ideal case, you would want to have a single view of all your IT infrastructure (hardware, software and everything in between) so that you can see where processes can be optimized by eliminating redundant infrastructure as well as by leveraging expertise that any department or vertical may have gained, for the benefit of new or relatively newer departments. Maybe different departments or verticals are utilizing on-premises infrastructure for running their operations, maybe some are utilizing only cloud and some others are utilizing a hybrid solution. Maybe you want to consolidate the view of ongoing operational costs. All of this is possible with the help of a CMDB such as ServiceNow, BMC Helix CMDB or ManageEngine. Even if a consolidated view is not of immense value, and you just need to know more about transferring data from varied sources to one database or system, this information can then be used by multiple disparate teams of employees so that there can be better collaboration between them.
Keyva Seamless Data PumpTM integrates data between various source and target systems within your infrastructure.
Traditional approach Small companies usually start out provisioning infrastructure resources for their employees, be it self-used workstations or data centers that host business critical applications, using rudimentary methods such as an excel sheet or a notepad. When the company is small, the infrastructure needs are less and this is no issue. As the company starts to grow, these excel sheets may grow humongously making it tedious for the few employees to keep track of infrastructure elements already provisioned. To service these company resources, is another big challenge as manual cross verification needs to be performed for each resource to find its location, its allowed privileges, its infrastructure relationships, so as not to hamper any of these, inadvertently rendering that resource non-functional. This process can become disastrous if a human error occurs. Companies sometimes add automation tools to help with the discovery of their infrastructure such as BMC Discovery. Discovery tools automatically discover infrastructure on the company’s internal network. Some of the infrastructure resources may need to be corrected if there is an error in discovery. Some other infrastructure resources may need to be manually added to this tool due to certain characteristics of the resource. All of this manual due diligence is performed to ensure that all infrastructure elements are recognized within the Discovery automation tool. Now if you want to enable employees to open incidents against any infrastructure, a CMDB (Configuration Management Database) is usually employed. An example of a well-known CMDB is ServiceNow. Employees can find infrastructure elements that may need maintenance, and request actions against them. Or a new server may need to be provisioned to deploy a business-critical application for clients, as an example. Creating a ticket like this, sends the request to a DevOps team to then perform the required maintenance or provisioning. The DevOps engineer may need to interact with the requester, and this often happens through the CMDB ticket. After the DevOps engineer is done with the maintenance, they may need to ask the requester for verification through the same ticket on the CMDB appliance. This process possibly may change the attributes of the infrastructure resource in question. These changed attributes then need to be synced back into the Discovery appliance. There is also a possibility of new infrastructure discovered by the Discovery appliance that then needs to be synced back into the CMDB tool to make it visible to employees.
Keyva Seamless Data PumpTM automates your data The Data Pump is built for a specific source to target combination. For example, BMC Discovery to ServiceNow is a popular combination that our clients use. Clients set up the scheduler to run typically at an off-peak hour to sync up CMDB data from the source to the target. This enables the DevOps team to access the current state of individual infrastructure elements in their CMDB tool, accurately. This takes away human error in the syncing process, avoids the tedious excel sheet maintenance and saves employee time, making them more efficient in servicing employee requests. It also ensures not to increase network load by scheduling the sync at a low-traffic time. Keyva Seamless Data Pump
TM has been servicing clients for over 20 years. Notable clients across the United States, Europe, and Asia Pacific region have been using it successfully to transfer their CMDB data from a source to a target appliance. The target appliance (such as ServiceNow) can be utilized to keep track of the infrastructure resources that have been provisioned. CMDB data represents infrastructure elements in each appliance. The Data Pump integrates varied source and target systems such as BMC products (TrueSight, Helix Atrium, Discovery, etc.), Jira, ServiceNow, Cherwell, VMWare, HPSA (HP Server Automation) amongst many others. We are continuously adding more integrations such as IBM HMC (Hardware Management Console) to ServiceNow and others. This automation tool is trusted by clients and supported by one team.
The Technology The Data Pump utilizes the latest technologies such as REST API calls to source and target systems. It can be installed on Windows or Linux OS that has Java installed. It can be setup to be functional in under 45 minutes. Initial load from source to target is usually bulky and optimized for speed using multiple simultaneously processing threads. Scheduler enables you to schedule your incremental load at your chosen time to run daily or periodically, to alleviate load off of your peak hours on your network. The Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) in the Data Pump can be customized per your business needs. As an example, you can ensure empty or null values of specific columns from the source do not get synced. You can transform source data using provided functions to apply patterns uniformly to all source data in an automated fashion. You can change source and target connection settings easily through a user-friendly UI, as required. Complex extract query patterns are available to extract source data just the way your use case needs it. The Data Pump creates reports for data loads for manual or automated reviews by management or team. To test if an ETL works as intended, you can simulate it in the Data Pump manually before you finalize the source-target mappings; these then get automatically fed into the Scheduler. Using our CMDB expertise, the tool comes with built-in maps to get you off the ground within minutes. These maps provide the most likely needed source extract queries, data transformation patterns and source-target data mapping.
The Support A dedicated support team takes care of client queries and enhancement requests. Support cases can be opened using our support portal, with contractual SLAs. Elaborate documentation is provided to allow clients to independently customize Data Pump through user guides, admin guides and product help menu. We invite and value our clients' feedback - if you have a need to integrate with a specific source or target datapoint or appliance your business uses, we are excited to build new integrations within the Data Pump. We offer multi-year support discounts. Permanent (CapEx) or Subscription (OpEx) licensing models are available.
The Benefits The Data Pump keeps infrastructure elements in sync within your organization, whether it is used by your employees or customers. Your
DevOps and DevSecOps teams do not have to worry about keeping infrastructure resources in sync. Everyday infrastructure provisioning and maintenance, either for employees or for business-critical applications, can then be automated. You can customize the Data Pump to keep your cloud, hybrid and on-premises infrastructure in sync. This provides visibility into your infrastructure in various departments or verticals. It alleviates the need to build a tool in-house to connect all of your infrastructure which might take you months, specialized skills, and could be costly. It also alleviates the need to use error-prone methods to consolidate infrastructure, such as text files or sheets. Typically, the Data Pump is installed and customized by IT Architects, DevOps Engineers, DevSecOps Engineers, Platform Engineers, Systems Engineers or Infrastructure Engineers. These teams use the Data Pump to ensure that when an infrastructure resource is needed, its current state is readily and accurately available.
Let’s Talk. Contact [email protected] for a demo today! We will show you how to leverage the power of a connected organization. At
Keyva, we take pride in helping our clients identify and automate routine tasks so that you can focus on your core business instead of mundane time-consuming work. [table id=10 /]
[post_title] => Future of Data Automation: Keyva Seamless Data Pump
[post_excerpt] =>
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[post_name] => future-of-data-automation-keyva-seamless-data-pump
[to_ping] =>
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[post_modified] => 2025-01-22 19:11:55
[post_modified_gmt] => 2025-01-22 19:11:55
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) [2] => WP_Post Object
[ID] => 4794
[post_author] => 15
[post_date] => 2025-01-07 14:33:31
[post_date_gmt] => 2025-01-07 14:33:31
[post_content] =>
Keyva is pleased to announce the recertification of the BMC Truesight Integration App for the ServiceNow Xanadu release. Clients can now seamlessly upgrade the App from previous ServiceNow releases.
The Keyva BMC Truesight Integration App enables multiple systems and application monitoring tools that generate high volumes of event data to integrate events into a single Proactive Operations Platform. It also enables ServiceNow to view, manage, and model events raised by BMC ProactiveNet Performance Management allowing the customer to use one console for enterprise wide Incident and service impact management.
Learn more about this integration and view all the ServiceNow releases for which Keyva has been certified at the ServiceNow store, visit https://bit.ly/40mc6ZA.
[post_title] => Keyva BMC Truesight Integration App has been Certified for the Xanadu Release
[post_excerpt] =>
[post_status] => publish
[comment_status] => closed
[ping_status] => closed
[post_password] =>
[post_name] => keyva-bmc-truesight-integration-app-has-been-certified-for-the-xanadu-release
[to_ping] =>
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[post_modified] => 2025-01-07 17:08:30
[post_modified_gmt] => 2025-01-07 17:08:30
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[guid] => https://keyvatech.com/?p=4794
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) [3] => WP_Post Object
[ID] => 4781
[post_author] => 7
[post_date] => 2024-12-17 16:44:40
[post_date_gmt] => 2024-12-17 16:44:40
[post_content] => Read about a client who faces a pressing need to modernize its IT infrastructure while undergoing organizational changes.
Download now [post_title] => Case Study: SAP Migration and Modernization
[post_excerpt] =>
[post_status] => publish
[comment_status] => closed
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[post_name] => case-study-sap-migration-and-modernization
[to_ping] =>
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[post_modified] => 2024-12-30 15:06:04
[post_modified_gmt] => 2024-12-30 15:06:04
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[guid] => https://keyvatech.com/?p=4781
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) [4] => WP_Post Object
[ID] => 4741
[post_author] => 7
[post_date] => 2024-11-18 21:36:39
[post_date_gmt] => 2024-11-18 21:36:39
[post_content] => Let's challenge the notion that the early bird always gets the worm. If that were true, you'd be driving an automobile made by companies like Winton, Tatra, or Opel. After all, the Winton Motor Carriage Company sold their first car in 1898, five years before Ford. Yet, Ford is unduly credited with the automobile. Henry Ford didn’t invent the car; he reorganized the manufacturing process of it by standardizing manufacturing. Rather than inventing the automobile, he revolutionized its manufacturing process through standardization. That was the more significant achievement. There is something lying throughout every digitized organization today that is in dire need of organizing and that is your data. Data drives organizational decision-making processes, powers autonomous vehicles, and fuels Generative AI to uncover deep insights for problem-solving. Data is also pervasive throughout your IT systems and your business depends on its reliable access and effective use to ensure the optimization of your IT infrastructure. Managing and securing this data falls squarely on your IT team's shoulders, and their time is money.
Harnessing the Data Created by Your IT Environment
Every time a sensor is added to an electric vehicle, it generates new data that must be managed effectively. In a similar fashion, every network event, from connecting a new device to adjusting security settings on routers, creates information that needs proper documentation and archiving. It is data you may not think about, until that day you need it. Consider the vast data management requirements of a large bank. They must meticulously record every financial transaction, down to individual ATM withdrawals and store it for years. Simultaneously, they're also obligated to document, store, and provide data on every IT configuration change including:
- Configuration changes: All modifications to network settings and security patches need documentation for auditing purposes.
- Upgrade history: Documenting each time a device is upgraded or replaced.
- Inventory turnover: Tracking when devices reach their manufacturer-designated EOL, necessitating replacement to maintain security and performance.
- Incident response: In case of a malware attack, the bank must quickly compile a list of compromised devices for investigation.
The data accumulated about your digital network faces the same challenges as the data that directly relates to your business.
- Information often becomes scattered across various locations, forming data silos that impede efficient utilization and analysis.
- Inconsistencies arise when fragmented data leads to discrepancies in records
- Redundancies occur when multiple copies of the same data exist in different locations
The CMDB: A Single Source of Truth
This is where a configuration management database (CMDB) comes into play. CMDBs help organizations manage their IT infrastructure by providing a single source of truth for all assets within the organization. That includes IT-related information including hardware, software, networks, services, and configuration items (CIs). For a large global enterprise, the number of CIs could number in the millions. The CMDB organizes all of this to provide better asset management and resource allocation, enhanced incident and problem management. It facilitates compliance, and auditing processes and helps streamline and improve decision making concerning IT changes and upgrades.
CMDB Challenges
The premise of the CMDB by itself is certainly a game changer for those saddled with managing all this IT system data, but real challenges remain:
- Keeping the CMDB up-to-date becomes increasingly difficult as IT environments rapidly scale and adapt to fluctuating demands. The constant changes in cloud-based and on-premises infrastructure require continuous monitoring and updating.
- Inconsistencies between different platforms can lead to incomplete or inaccurate CMDB records.
- Ensuring data accuracy and completeness in today’s hybrid environments in which data is widely dispersed amongst cloud and on-prem environments.
- IT teams, already burdened with numerous responsibilities, often struggle to dedicate sufficient time and resources to oversee CMDB data collection and maintenance. This can lead to outdated or incomplete CMDB information.
While the concept of a comprehensive CMDB sounds promising, a critical question remains: How can you effectively collect and manage the millions of CIs that are crucial to your business operations?
The 45-minutes Tool to Power your CMDB
The amount of network generated data that today’s enterprises must manage is a mammoth endeavor, but companies are learning how to compress the amount of required time by integrating the Keyva Seamless Data Pump to empower their CMDB. Imagine having a high-tech kitchen with smart appliances and a camera-equipped pantry. Despite all this technology, preparing quality meals still takes considerable effort. Now, picture adding the power of a Seamless Data Pump to your kitchen. You could plan your meals for the entire week ahead of time. The Data Pump would automatically inventory every ingredient in your home. Based on the up-to-date inventory, the CMDB could generate recipes and create shopping lists for missing items. These detailed recipes would be tailored to the exact number of diners each night. With everything so well-organized in advance, you could effortlessly prepare a restaurant-quality meal in let’s say - 45 minutes. Keyva Seamless Data Pump can do the same for your enterprise as well. The Data Pump streamlines CMDB management by automatically collecting CIs and their relationships from multiple data sources. It then combines all this preliminary information with the main operational database that represents the single source of truth while also allowing you to create custom rules for consolidating data from various discovery mechanisms and sources. This powerful organization mechanism can then transform the CMDB strategy of your enterprise in the following ways:
- Rapid Implementation: The Data Pump can dramatically reduce CMDB build-time to just one week, saving both time and resources. Once deployed, it delivers tangible results and value within a mere 45 minutes. How many IT integrations can you recall giving that rapid a turnaround?
- Comprehensive Data Integration: The Data Pump consolidates data from popular systems including AWS, Azure, Cisco, IBM, OpenText (Hewlett Packard Automation), LANDesk, Microsoft, NetApp, and VMware as well as generic and non-standard sources. It seamlessly integrates with multiple CMDB platforms such as ServiceNow, BMC Helix, Cherwell, Jira, and others.
- Flexible Scheduling: Schedule data loads during off-peak hours to minimize impact on business operations. This ensures that high-volume data transfers don't interfere with critical processes.
Other features include its ease of use that requires no expensive technical resources for operation, customization, or management. It is cloud ready and supports real-time inventory asset updates across multiple cloud services that facilitate accurate chargeback and inventory accounting. It also is primed for data optimization by reducing or eliminating redundant and duplicate data, regardless of disparate IT assets.
The Keyva Seamless Data Pump is an example of how Keyva is providing innovative solution tools that are transforming the IT environments and businesses of our clients. Our teams can perform an assessment of your environment to understand your needs and show you how you can add greater value. We can implement the Seamless Data Pump and provide customization, if necessary, to make sure it works for you. Contact us to have a demonstration of how the Data Pump can alleviate the burden of data collection and make your job easier.
[post_title] => How to Transform Your CMDB in Just 45 Minutes
[post_excerpt] =>
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[post_name] => how-to-transform-your-cmdb-in-just-45-minutes
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[post_modified] => 2024-11-19 02:34:45
[post_modified_gmt] => 2024-11-19 02:34:45
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[ID] => 4761
[post_author] => 7
[post_date] => 2024-11-18 15:25:16
[post_date_gmt] => 2024-11-18 15:25:16
[post_content] => Keyva is pleased to announce the certification of the Keyva HP uCMDB Data Pump App for the Xanadu release. Clients can now seamless upgrade the App from previous ServiceNow releases (
Xanadu, Washington DC, Vancouver) Keyva's Seamless Data Pump accelerates and simplifies the integration of CI and relationship data between ServiceNow CMDB and HP Universal CMDB thereby enabling ITSM / ITIL processes and initiatives. Learn more about the Keyva HP uCMDB Data Pump App and view all the ServiceNow releases for which Keyva has been certified at the ServiceNow store, visit
[post_title] => Keyva Certified for HP uCMDB Data Pump App Certified for ServiceNow Xanadu Release
[post_excerpt] =>
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[comment_status] => closed
[ping_status] => closed
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[post_name] => keyva-certified-for-hp-ucmdb-data-pump-app-certified-for-servicenow-xanadu-release
[to_ping] =>
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[post_modified_gmt] => 2024-11-18 15:25:16
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[ID] => 4737
[post_author] => 7
[post_date] => 2024-11-14 15:46:30
[post_date_gmt] => 2024-11-14 15:46:30
[post_content] => Keyva is pleased to announce the certification of the Keyva BMC Atrium Data Pump App for the Xanadu release. Clients can now seamlessly upgrade the App from previous ServiceNow releases (Washington DC, Vancouver).
Keyva’s Seamlesss Data Pump™ accelerates and simplifies the integration of CI and relationship data between BMC Atrium CMDB and ServiceNow CMDB. Learn more about the Keyva BMC Atrium Data Pump App and view all the ServiceNow releases for which Keyva has been certified at the ServiceNow store, visit
[post_title] => Keyva BMC Atrium Data Pump App Certified for ServiceNow Xanadu Release
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[post_name] => keyva-bmc-atrium-data-pump-app-certified-for-servicenow-xanadu-release
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[post_modified] => 2024-11-18 15:15:45
[post_modified_gmt] => 2024-11-18 15:15:45
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) [7] => WP_Post Object
[ID] => 4730
[post_author] => 7
[post_date] => 2024-10-18 16:22:53
[post_date_gmt] => 2024-10-18 16:22:53
[post_content] => Keyva is pleased to announce the certification of the Keyva Service Integration Hub for Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform and the Service Integration Hub for Red Hat OpenShift for the new ServiceNow Xanadu release. Clients can now seamlessly upgrade their ServiceNow App from previous ServiceNow releases (Wahsington DC, Utah, Vancouver) to the Xanadu release. The Xanadu release has been praised for its ability to help businesses implement AI in practical, scalable ways, driving both productivity and agility across IT operations Learn more about the Keyva ServiceNow Integrations Hub for Red Hat products and view all the ServiceNow releases for which Keyva has been certified at the ServiceNow store, visit Ansible
https://bit.ly/3RKgoGA and Openshift
[post_title] => Keyva ServiceNow Apps for Red Hat Certified for Xanadu Release
[post_excerpt] =>
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[post_name] => keyva-servicenow-apps-for-red-hat-certified-for-xanadu-release
[to_ping] =>
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[post_modified] => 2024-10-18 16:22:53
[post_modified_gmt] => 2024-10-18 16:22:53
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[ID] => 4818
[post_author] => 2
[post_date] => 2025-02-04 20:43:52
[post_date_gmt] => 2025-02-04 20:43:52
[post_content] => Red Hat's OpenShift platform is a Kubernetes solution that has been gaining popularity in recent years, thanks in part to the rising popularity of containerization, be it for micro-services, cloud-native appliances, or simply for ease of CI/CD integrations and portability. Beyond such benefits, many companies and now looking into containerization as a possible alternative following recent licensing changes to VMware's suite of products following its Broadcom acquisition. Moving from one abstraction platform to another is a harrowing prospect, particularly with the maturity of virtualization as a technology. I remain something of a holdout against going all in on containerization, but nevertheless, more and more of my services are being moved to containerization over time. While I still use virtualization for application development (VMware Workstation on my Linux-based daily driver machine and Parallels on my Mac laptop), reasons to not use containerization are dwindling as the containerization space matures. OpenShift, in particular, offers a management interface that should feel right at home to vCenter administration veterans, and interaction with the containers it runs have been very smooth from my experience as well. And so, I would like to take some time to offer a high-level overview of how to try OpenShift using environments that you may be familiar with already. OpenShift is at its core a Kubernetes platform to assist in the deployment and management of containers. Some of the features include CI/CD pipelines, easier to understand security assignments, and the aforementioned management interface in the form of a web-based console. Of course, if you are already familiar with management via command line tools, the oc command with open shift will feel quite similar to the k8s or k3s commands you may already be used to. Operating systems that are officially certified for containerization with OpenShift and continually changing. At present, RHEL, SUSE, Ubuntu and Windows systems are supported, but I suggest looking into this listing in case this post becomes out of date. At the time of writing, this list can be found
here. For the sake of brevity, I will
assume an environment in which OpenShift is already installed and proceed to the steps required to migrate your existing VMware virtual machines. If you've already decided to use OpenShift beyond a testing capacity don't forget to also configure storage, networking and Identity Access Management. Before attempting to import existing machine, you will need to open the OpenShift console and install the "Migration Toolkit for Virtualization Operator" found through the administration role under [Operators -> OperatorHub]. Once installed, an additional menu will appear as [Migration]. Once this is done, proceed to [Migration -> Providers for Virtualization]. There will already be something here for the host cluster you are running, but you will need to add your vCenter appliance to this configuration. Start by clicked "Create Provider" on the upper right. Multiple options will appear here, but the one needed for this sort of migration is vSphere. Fill out the following screen, paying attention to the note for the URL field. For instance, if your vCenter appliance is hosted at “https://vcenter.mycorporation.local”, you will want to provide “https://vcenter.mycorporation.local/sdk” as the response. Next is the VDDK image. This is not required but can significantly increase speed of transfers if used. The VDDK, or Virtual Disk Development Kit, can be downloaded from the
Broadcom developer site. Beyond this, a vSphere REST API username (with an FQDN, e.g. "
[email protected]") and password needs to be provided. Lastly, the SHA-1 fingerprint for your vCenter application can be added here. This is a suggested step but may be skipped with the "skip certificate validation" option. You should get the SHA-1 fingerprint from the certificate with the command openssl x509 -in <cert file location> -noout -fingerprint -sha1 You can also find the fingerprint in the certificate information of your web browser when visiting your vCenter appliance, though this is less recommended than using your cert file as a source of truth. Once complete, OpenShift will immediately start populating the inventory from vCenter. When this is finished (it will likely be instant), proceed to [Migration -> Plans for virtualization]. Click "Create plan" and give the new plan a name of your choosing. Select your newly created provider as your source provider, and the already included provider (named "host" by default) as the target provider. Select a namespace ("imported-vms" is suggested). Proceed to the VM selection step. Select your cluster and your VMs for transfer here. The next step involves selecting a network mapping. If you have not set this up already and if you are already using the VMware data network, you can simply select the pod network as the target namespace. For storage on the next step, select the default storage class. After this, you can select the type of migration you wish to use. A cold migration is the most straightforward and involves shutting down your VMs fully to transfer them. However, a "warm" migration option also exists if downtime is not possible. This will transfer your currently running machines and post incremental updates (similar to snapshot deltas) until it's time to cut over. Once done, click Finish, and you will be returned to the [Plans for virtualization] menu with your newly assembled plan. Click the "Start" button for your plan to begin the transfer. The following page will give you the status of your initiated transfer, including allocation, the copy itself, and the conversion step from VMDK to KubeVirt. Depending on the size of your VMs and your network speed, this may take several minutes to complete. Your migrated systems now can be found under [Virtualization -> Virtual Machines]. Once started, you can proceed into details for any of your VMs by clicking there name. From here, you can see the status of your machine, including a VNC console to interact with it. Migrating from VMware infrastructure to containerized virtualization can feel daunting on its surface. Thankfully, the landscape for containerized infrastructure has significantly matured to make this a process that can reasonably be set up to run in less than a half hour; minutes even, if you're experienced with the process. Hopefully this high-level guide can provide useful on your own discovery into the applications of containerized infrastructure. [table id=11 /]
[post_title] => Step-by-Step Guide to Migrating from VMware to Red Hat OpenShift
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